Featured Open Source Projects
A rich ecosystem of high-performance code
Libraries for advanced data types and container classes#
Core fortran routines and object-oriented classes for sorting, kD-Trees, and other algorithms to handle scientific data and concepts
Tags: dynamic array formatting debugging errors kdtree sorting random binary search strings unit testing timing
Biblioteca Fortran template
Generic containers, versatile algorithms, easy string manipulation, and more
Tags: resizeable array container linked list hash map regex string shared pointer
generic collection templates for Fortran
Templates for STL-like Fortran implementations of containers for arbitrary types (Vector, Set, Map, Deque, Stack, Queue, …)
Tags: container template
Instantiations of gFTL templates of common containers for intrinsic types
Tags: container template
Tabela de Pesquisa Fortran
Linear lookup table implemented in modern Fortran
Procedures that expand on the Fortran DATE_AND_TIME intrinsic
Tags: date weekday unix epoch month convert moon phases duration
Provides portable kind-parameters and many useful procedures to deal with them
Tags: kinds integer real ieee floating point floats precision
Store any intrinsic or derived data type to a container
Tags: qlibc tree table hash table linked list vector dynamic array unique set
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