Learn Fortran
Learning resources for beginners and experts alike
Getting Started
Try the quickstart Fortran tutorial, to get an overview of the language syntax and capabilities.
Quickstart tutorial
Ask a question in the Fortran-lang discourse - a forum for friendly discussion of all things Fortran.
Fortran-lang Discourse
Get a taste of Fortran in an interactive playground in the browser.
Fortran Playground
Mini-book Tutorials
Getting started
An introduction to the Fortran syntax and its capabilities
How to use the compiler to build an executable program
How to install a Fortran compiler and set up a development environment in Windows, Linux and macOS.
This tutorial collects a modern canonical way of doing things in Fortran.
This "Rosetta Stone" shows how to implement many common idioms in Python with NumPy and Fortran side by side.
Fortran Documentation
man-pages for the Fortran Intrinsics
Putting Fortran’s object-related features to practical use
Other Resources
On the web
Fortran wiki A rich collection of Fortran articles and resources in an editable wiki format
Fortran 90 org Fortran Best Practices guide, Python/Fortran Rosetta Stone, Fortran FAQ
Fortran 2018 Standard Interpretation Document J3/18-007r1 F2018, specification of the base Fortran 2018 language
J3 Fortran Proposals a repository for community collaboration on proposals for the Fortran Standards Committee
J3: US Fortran Standards Committee J3 is the US National Body for the international Fortran standards committee
Scivision Fortran 2018 Examples A github repository containing code samples for various Fortran 2018 features
Doctor Fortran Blog A collection of posts on interesting or little-understood aspects of the Fortran language
Online Courses
Programming in Fortran course offered at the Leibniz-Rechenzentrum
The 'F' Word - Programming in Fortran modern Fortran for developing an extensible library that can be used to solve conservation laws (PDEs) using spectral and spectral element methods
Kursmaterial für Wissenschaftliches Programmieren (Modern Fortran, 2017) from Bálint Aradi at Bremen Center for Computational Materials Science (German)
Formations Fortran Fortran course from beginner to expert level (French)
Modern Fortran Programming for Chemists and Physicists course by Pekka Manninen from University of Helsinki (includes coarrays)
Coarray tutorial by Thomas Koenig
Parallel Programming Workshop materials from the High-Performance Computing Center in Stuttgart
Programming in Modern Fortran by Philipp Engel
2018 Workshop on Fortran Modernization for Scientific Applications
Scientific Programing and Numerical Computation course by Wu-ting Tsai from National Taiwan University
Introduction to Modern Fortran course given by Nick Maclaren from the University of Cambridge Computing Service, derived from a course by Steve Morgan from the University of Liverpool
Designing and Building Parallel Programs by Ian Foster, contains descriptions of several non-standard Fortran dialects like Fortran M and High Performance Fortran
Parallel programming with Fortran 2008 and 2018 coarrays course by Anton Shterenlikht from the University of Bristol
Professional Programmer's Guide to Fortran77 by Clive G. Page, University of Leicester, UK
Fortran90 for Fortran77 Programmers by Clive G. Page
Introduction to Computer Programming Using Fortran 95 training materials from ARCHER, the UK National Supercomputing Service
Combining Object-Oriented Techniques with Co-arrays in Fortran 2008 by Robert W. Numrich
Parallel programming in Fortran with Coarrays by John Reid
Introduction to Co-Array Fortran by Robert W. Numrich
Fortran 90 for the Fortran 77 Programmer by Bo Einarsson and Yurij Shokin
Fortran Tutorial older tutorial by Erik Boman, Stanford University
Fortran 90 Tutorial older tutorial by Paul Hargrove and Sarah Whitlock, Stanford University
Fortran 90 Tutorial by C.-K. Shene, Michigan Technologial University
Exploring Modern Fortran Basics by Milan Curcic, excerpt (Chapters 2, 3, and 4) from Modern Fortran - Building Efficient Parallel Applications
In print
Ramkarthik, M. S., and Solanki, P. D. 2021 Numerical Recipes in Quantum Information Theory and Quantum Computing: An Adventure in FORTRAN 90 1st ed Boca Raton. CRC Press
Metcalf, M., Reid, J., Cohen, M., and Bader, R. 2024 Modern Fortran Explained 6th ed Oxford, UK. Oxford University Press
Curcic, M. 2020 Modern Fortran: Building Efficient Parallel Applications 1st ed Shelter Island, NY. Manning Publications
Fehr, H. and Kindermann, F. 2020 Introduction to Computational Economics Using Fortran 1st ed Oxford, UK. Oxford University Press
Markus, A. 2012 Modern Fortran in Practice 1st ed Cambridge, UK. Cambridge University Press
Chivers, I. and Sleightholme, J. 2018 Introduction to Programming with Fortran 4th ed . Springer International Publishing
Chapman, S. J. 2018 Fortran for Scientists and Engineers 4th ed New York. McGraw-Hill Education
Ray, S. 2019 Fortran 2018 with Parallel Programming 1st ed . Chapman and Hall/CRC
Brainerd, W. S. 2015 Guide to Fortran 2008 Programming 1st ed London. Springer-Verlag
Numrich, R. W. 2018 Parallel Programming with Co-arrays 1st ed New York. Chapman and Hall/CRC
Akin, E. 2003 Object-Oriented Programming via Fortran 90/95 1st ed Cambridge. Cambridge University Press
McCormack, D. 2009 Scientific Software Development with Fortran 1st ed None. Lulu Press
Rouson, D., Xia, J., and Xiaofeng, X. 2014 Scientific Software Design: The Object-Oriented Way 2nd ed Cambridge. Cambridge University Press
Chirila, D. B., and Lohmann, G. 2015 Introduction to Modern Fortran for the Earth System Sciences 1st ed Berlin. Springer-Verlag
Clerman, N. S. and Spector, W. 2011 Modern Fortran: Style and Usage 1st ed Cambridge. Cambridge University Press
Hanson, R. J. and Hopkins, T. 2013 Numerical Computing with Modern Fortran 1st ed Philadelphia. SIAM
Oliveira, S. and Steward, D. 2006 Writing Scientific Software: A Guide to Good Style 1st ed Cambridge. Cambridge University Press
Kernighan, B. and Pike, R. 1999 The Practice of Programming 1st ed Reading. Addison-Wesley Professional
Juan Antonio Hernandez Ramos and Javier Escoto Lopez 2020 How to learn Applied Mathematics through modern Fortran 1st ed Madrid. Independently published