Featured Open Source Projects

A rich ecosystem of high-performance code

Fortran libraries for linear algebra, optimization, root-finding etc.


Library for 2D pencil decomposition and distributed Fast Fourier Transform

Tags: fft parallel distributed-memory openmpi


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Collection of Fortran77 subroutines designed to solve large scale eigenvalue problems.

Tags: eigenvalue eigenvector singular value decomposition svd


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Multidimensional B-Spline interpolation of data on a regular grid

Tags: spline interpolation extrapolation integration integral


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Distributed block compresseed sparse row matrix library

Tags: linear-algebra parallel mpi openmp cuda hip


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Modern Fortran implementation of the DDEABM Adams-Bashforth algorithm

Tags: ode adams-bashforth


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A fast domain decomposition based implementation of the COSMO solvation model

Tags: continuum-solvation cosmo pcm cpcm


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Multivariate Interpolation via a Sparse Subset of the Delaunay Triangulation in Medium to High Dimensions.

Tags: interpolation openmp acm-toms


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Modern Fortran Edition of Hairer’s DOP853 ODE Solver

Tags: ode runge kutta


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Finite element software for numerical solution of partial differential equations

Tags: pde fe


Eigenvalue Solvers for Petaflop Applications

Tags: mpi gpu


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A Fortran library for the integration of ordinary differential equations with direct and adjoint sensitivity analysis capabilities

Tags: ode-solver


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Fortran interface to the GNU Scientific Library


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Fortran Library for numerical INTegration of differential equations

Tags: ode runge kutta


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Compute N-body interactions governed by the Laplace and Helmholtz equations, to a specified precision, in two dimensions, on a multi-core shared-memory machine.

Tags: fast-multipole-method


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Compute N-body interactions governed by the Laplace and Helmholtz equations, to a specified precision, in three dimensions, on a multi-core shared-memory machine.

Tags: fast-multipole-method


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Fortran Object-Oriented Differential-equations Integration Environment

Tags: ode pde euler runge kutta


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Collection of personal scientific routines in Fortran

Tags: solver integral integrate interpolation histogram constants hdf5 error random posix angles probability stokes vectors


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Allows users to interface into the PyTorch machine learning library


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Fortran utilities including unit test harness, arbitrary length strings, parameter list objects, timers, geometry definitions, file wrappers, linear algebra tools, and parallel computing support


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Modules for nonlinear optimization

Tags: least squares active set quadratic-programming interior point convex-programming linear-programming


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Open source stochastic quantum chemistry

Tags: qmc electronic-structure


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Solver for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations


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Routines for numerical linear algebra

Tags: blas linear-algebra


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A general library for Non Equilibrium Green’s Functions

Tags: transport electronic-structure


A shared memory parallel sparse matrix computations library for the Recursive Sparse Blocks format implementing the Sparse BLAS standard

Tags: linear-algebra openmp

Los Alamos Grid Toolbox (LaGriT)

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a library of user callable tools that provide mesh generation, mesh optimization and dynamic mesh maintenance


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Geodesy, 3D coordinate conversions for ECEF, ENU, ECI, …


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A parallel neural net microframework.

Tags: back propagation coarray


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Nonlinear equation solver with modern Fortran


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A massively parallel library for computing the functions of sparse matrices.

Tags: mpi


Non-Uniform Fast Fourier Transforms

Tags: non-uniform-fft fft


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a modern Fortran interface for computing the Jacobian (derivative) matrix of m nonlinear functions which depend on n variables

Tags: finite difference

Numerical methods in fortran

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Solving linear, nonlinear equations, ordinary differential equations

Tags: ode pde integral stochastic quadrature plotting


A Systematized Collection of ODE Solvers (FORTRAN 77)

Tags: ode runge kutta adams-bashforth


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Optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2

Tags: blas linear-algebra


Open source parallel package for computing multi-dimensional Fast Fourier Transforms (3-D and 4-D FFTs)

Tags: fft openmpi domain-decomposition-method


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A general-purpose high-performance MPI/Coarray-parallel Monte Carlo simulation library implemented in Fortran 2018 with interfaces to C/C++/Fortran/MATLAB/Python

Tags: parallel mpi coarray monte carlo mcmc c cpp matlab python statistics bayesian stochastic optimization sampling integration machine learning


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Piecewise Cubic Hermite Interpolation Package

Tags: hermite spline interpolation integration integral


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Provides portable kind-parameters and many useful procedures to deal with them

Tags: kinds integer real ieee floating point floats precision


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Library to solve Poisson equation on a uniform Cartesian grid using the Fast Fourier Transform

Tags: fft poisson


Software package for computing the singular value decomposition of large and sparse or structured matrices

Tags: linear-algebra svd lanczos-bidiagonalization openmp


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Parallel Sparse BLAS

Tags: linear-algebra mpi


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Parallel, Rapid O(N) and Graph-based Recursive Electronic Structure Solver.

Tags: mpi


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Quasi-Newton Algorithm for Stochastic Optimization.

Tags: quasi-newton-optimization stochastic-optimization acm-toms


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A parallel multifrontal solver for sparse linear systems based on QR and Cholesky decomposition

Tags: QR Cholesky sparse multifrontal least-squares


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Fortran library for the numerical computation of definite one-dimensional integrals

Tags: quadpack quadpack2 integrals


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Quantities for Fortran. Make math with units more convenient


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Suite of Fortran routines for interpolating values between one-, two-, three-, and four-dimensional arrays defined on uniform or nonuniform orthogonal grids

Tags: linear cubic interpolation


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Pseudo random number generator in Fortran, internally using xoroshiro128+

Tags: uniform normal poisson distributed


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Reverse Polish Notation calculator for interactive console use


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collection of fortran modules and procedures for scientific calculations.


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A Fortran-95/Python library that can be used to perform spherical harmonic transforms

Tags: spectral analysis Slepian bases gravitational magnetic field openmp


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A Fortran subroutines library for systems and control


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SLSQP nonlinear constrained optimizer

Tags: nonlinear-programming equality inequality constraints


A tool for automatic differentiation (forward/reverse) of Fortran and c programs

Tags: algorithmic derivative ad


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Solver for Blackbox Multiobjective Optimization Problems.

Tags: global-optimization simulation-optimization blackbox-optimization multiobjective-optimization multicriteria-optimization response-surface-methodology acm-toms

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