Object-based programming techniques#

Introduction: Container-like types#

The word "Container-like" is not a Fortran term, but used in the context of this article to designate types with components whose size (or type, to be discussed later) is not known when the type is declared. For deferred sizing of array objects, this can be achieved by using either the pointer or the allocatable attribute for the component's specification.

The language features and programming techniques will be shown using two examples introduced in the following section. The demonstration codes for this chapter can be found in the object_based folder of the Github repository.

Examples for definitions of container-like types#

Allocatable components#

As an example for the type definition of a value container (not a Fortran term) with an allocatable component consider

type :: polynomial
  real, allocatable :: a(:)
end type

An object declared to be of this type

type(polynomial) :: p

is suitable for characterization of a polynomial

\(p(x) = \sum_{k=0}^{\text{degree}} a_{k} \cdot x^k \quad (x \in \Re)\)

once it has been created and subsequently supplied with values of the coefficients:

degree = ... ! integer value known at run time only
allocate( p%a(0:degree) )
p%a(0:) = ...

Pointer components#

As an example for the type definition of a reference container (not a Fortran term) with a pointer component consider

type :: sorted_list
  type(sortable) :: data
  type(sorted_list), pointer :: next => null()
end type

Note that referencing the type itself when declaring a component is permitted if that component has the pointer or allocatable attribute; such types are generally known as recursive. They are used to represent information structures (lists, trees, ...), often with specific relationships between the individual data entries stored in each node. In this example, the assumption is that entries of type data in subsequent list items fulfill an ordering condition, based on the functionality supplied with that type:

type, public :: sortable
  character(len=:), allocatable :: string
end type

interface operator(<)         ! compare two objects of type sortable
  module procedure less_than  ! implementation not shown here
end interface


Given that Fortran supports arrays, use of simple linked lists is in most cases inappropriate. The example is presented here as being the simplest that permits illustrating the language features of interest.

An object declared to be

type(sorted_list) :: my_list

is suitable as starting point for building a linked list with node entries of type data. In the simplest case, inserting a data item into the object is done by executing the following statements:

type(sortable) :: my_data
my_data = ...
my_list%data = my_data  ! only compiles if type definition is accessible in host

However, as we shall see below, setting up a complete and valid sorted_list object in a reliable manner needs additional work.

Constructing objects of container-like type#

The semantics of the default structure constructor for container-like objects needs to account for any additional pointer or allocatable attribute specified for type components.

For the first example type from the last section, the executable statements in

type(polynomial) :: q, r
q = polynomial( [2., 3., 1.] )
r = polynomial( null() )

result in an object q auto-allocated to the value q%a(1:3) == [2., 3., 1.], and an object r with r%a unallocated.

For the second example type from the last section, the executable statements in

type(sorted_list) :: sl1
type(sorted_list), target :: sl2
type(sortable) :: d1, d2
sl1 = sorted_list( data=d1, next=sl2 )  ! use keyword notation
sl2 = sorted_list( d2, null() )

result in an object sl1 with sl1%next pointer associated with sl2, and an object sl2 with sl2%next disassociated; the data components of both objects have values, d1 and d2, respectively. Note that an argument that matches with a pointer component must have either the pointer or the target attribute. Also, keyword notation can be used in structure constructors in the same manner as for procedure arguments.

The default constructor's behaviour has some properties that one needs to be aware of:

  1. If all type components have the private attribute i.e., the type is opaque (not a Fortran term), it can only be used if the type declaration is accessed by host association (this is the same as for nonallocatable/nonpointer components);

  2. especially for container-like types, its semantics may be incompatible with the programmers intentions for how the objects should be used.

Item 2 is illustrated by the above object setups, specifically:

  • In the polynomial example given above, the lower bound of q%a is set to 1, contrary to the expectation that it should be 0. One could account for this by calculating index offsets in any module procedures that process polynomial objects, but this makes the code harder to understand and maintain. Also, the degree of the polynomial should be determined by the last nonzero entry of the coefficient array, but the language can of course not be aware of this.

  • In the sorted_list example given above, the ordering requirement for entries in subsequent nodes is not checked, so will usually be not fulfilled. Also, if sl2 goes out of scope before sl1 does, the list structure is torn to bits.

The programmer can enforce appropriate semantics by overloading the structure constructor. In this case, it is usually a good idea to declare the types as being opaque.

Overloading the structure constructor is done by

  • creating a named interface (i.e., a generic function) with the same name as the type of interest;

  • creating at least one specific function (a subroutine is not permitted), usually returning a scalar result of the type of interest.

For the polynomial type the interface block (placed in the specification section of the module containing the type definition) might read

interface polynomial
! overload to assure correct lower bound when creating a polynomial object
  module procedure :: create_polynomial
  ... ! further specifics as needed
end interface

and the implementation of create_polynomial (in the contains part of the module) might read

pure type(polynomial) function create_polynomial(a)
  real, intent(in) :: a(0:)
  integer :: degree(1)

  degree = findloc( a /= 0.0, value=.true., back=.true. ) - 1
  allocate( create_polynomial%a(0:degree(1)) )
  create_polynomial%a(0:) = a(0:degree(1))
end function

Because its signature matches the default structure constructor's, the function actually overrides the default constructor, making it generally unavailable.

For the sorted_list type the interface block might read

interface sorted_list
! the default constructor is unavailable because the type is opaque
! the specific has a different signature than the structure constructor
  module procedure :: create_sorted_list
  ... ! further specifics as needed
end interface

with the implementation of create_sorted_list as follows:

pure function create_sorted_list(item_array) result(head)
  type(sortable), intent(in) :: item_array(:)
  type(sorted_list) :: head
  integer :: i

  do i = 1, size(item_array)
    call add_to_sorted_list(head, item_array(i))
    ! handles tedious details of pointer fiddling
  end do
end function

The constructor has a signature that differs from that of the default one, but the latter is unavailable outside the host scope of the type definition anyway, due to the opacity of sorted_list.

Copying objects of container-like type#

Default assignment extends to container-like objects. For objects declared as

type(polynomial) :: p, q
type(sorted_list) :: slp, slq

... ! code that defines p, slp

and after defining values for prospective right-hand sides, execution of the statement

q = p

produces the same result as

if ( allocated(q%a) ) deallocate( q%a )
q%a = p%a  ! performs auto-allocation using the RHS's bounds, then copies the value

and execution of the statement

slq = slp

produces the same result as

slq%data = slp%data
slq%next => slp%next  ! creates a reference between list objects without copying any value

The terms deep copy and shallow copy (neither are Fortran terms) are sometimes used to describe the above behaviour for allocatable and pointer components, respectively. Note that - different from the default structure constructor - having private components does not affect the use of default assigment. However, the semantics of default assignment might not be what is needed from the programmer's point of view.

Specifically, consider the case where the object slq above has previously been set up by invoking the overloaded constructor. The assignment above would then have the following effects:

  1. The list elements of the original slq, beginning with slq%next, would become inaccessible ("orphaned"), effectively causing a memory leak;

  2. after the assignment statement, slq%next references into slp%next, resulting in aliasing.

To avoid 2., it is possible to overload the assignment operator for reference containers to create a deep copy. Note that in the case where defined unary or binary operations are introduced, the functions that define these need to create deep copies to create the result variable anyway, otherwise things simply don't work. The downside of this is that in code like

slq = slp // slq

-- with the overloaded concatenation operator meaning that the argument lists are joined -- multiple deep copies need to be done (the implementation of the module procedure join_lists that supplies the necessary specific for // is not shown here; see the source code sorted_list.f90 for details). It turns out that some of these exist only intermediately.

Here an implementation of the specific procedure for the overloaded assignment of sorted_list objects:

subroutine assign_sorted_list(to, from)
  type(sorted_list), intent(in), target :: from
  type(sorted_list), intent(out), target :: to  ! finalizer is executed on entry,
                                                ! see below for discussion of this.
  type(sorted_list), pointer :: p, q

  p => from; q => to

  deep_copy : do
    if ( associated(p) ) then
      q%data = p%data
      exit deep_copy
    end if
    p => p%next
    if ( associated(p) ) allocate( q%next )
    q => q%next
  end do deep_copy
end subroutine

Avoiding 1. is usually done by means of finalizers, to be discussed in the next section. This is because assignment is not the only possible cause for orphaning of pointer-related memory (or indeed other resource leaks).

Finalization and conclusions#

To deal with resource leaks that are otherwise not within the programmer's means to avoid, a type definition can be connected with a user-defined final procedure that is automatically invoked in certain situations. For the sorted_list type, this would look like

type :: sorted_list
  type(sortable) :: data
  type(sorted_list), pointer :: next => null()
  final :: delete_sorted_list
end type

Note that the final statement appears after a contains statement in the type definition; this implies that delete_sorted_list is not a regular type component. The module procedure's implementation might then be as follows:

pure recursive subroutine delete_sorted_list(list)
  type(sorted_list), intent(inout) :: list

  if ( associated(list%next) ) then
    deallocate( list%next )  ! invokes the finalizer recursively
  end if
end subroutine

It must be a subroutine that takes a single argument of the type to be finalized. Most additional attributes are not permitted for that dummy argument; for the case of finalizing array arguments it is possible to have a set of finalizers (all listed in the type definition), each of which declares the dummy argument with an appropriate rank.


The pure and recursive properties specified above reflect the specific needs for the sorted_list type and its associated procedures. The recursive specification is optional (i.e., procedures can be called recursively by default), but a non_recursive specification can be supplied if the implementation's semantics does not permit correct behaviour in recursive calls.

The finalizer will be automatically invoked on an object if

  1. it appears on the left-hand side of an intrinsic assignment statement (before the assignment is performed),

  2. on invocation of a procedure call where it is argument associated with an intent(out) dummy,

  3. it is a non-saved variable and program execution ends its scope, or

  4. it is deallocated.

Nonpointer nonallocatable function results fall into the third category above; however, finalization does not apply for the default structure constructor.

Note that if a finalizer is defined and the constructor is overloaded, but the assignment operator is not, then the assignment statement slq = sorted_list(...) (which then translates into a single function call to the create_sorted_list() function shown earlier) will result in a mutilated left-hand side, because the finalizer will be executed on the function that overloads the constructor, resulting in slq%next being disassociated. For this reason, the following guideline applies:

Finalizers, overloads for the default constructor, and overload of the assignment operation should usually be jointly implemented.

See also the article "Rule of three" for the analogous situation in C++.

Further language features useful for object-based programming#

Extended semantics for allocatable objects#

Scalars can have the allocatable attribute:

character(len=:), allocatable :: my_string
type(sorted_list), allocatable :: my_list

Allocation then can be done explicitly; the following examples illustrate applications of the allocate statement that are useful or even necessary in this context:

allocate( character(len=13) :: my_string )                  ! typed allocation
allocate( my_list, source=sorted_list(array_of_sortable) )  ! sourced allocation

Typed allocation is necessary for the string variable, because the length parameter of a string is part of its type; we will later see that derived types can also appear in the type specification. Sourced allocation permits the creation of an allocated object that is a clone of the specified source object or expression.

Alternatively, allocatable objects (be they scalar or arrays) can be auto-allocated by appearing on the left-hand side of an intrinsic assignment statement:

my_string = "anything goes"  ! auto-allocated to RHS length before value is transferred
! my_list = sorted_list(array_of_sortable)
! the above statement would fail for an unallocated object, because the assignment
! has been overloaded using a nonallocatable first dummy argument

A caveat is that for overloaded assignment, this will usually not work - either one needs to explicitly allocate the object before assigning to it, or sourced allocation must be used, which bypasses the overloaded assignment.

Note that for allocatable objects with deferred-size entries (e.g., strings, arrays) a non-conformable left-hand side in an assignment statement will be deallocated before being allocated to the right length or shape, respectively.


The features discussed in this subsection are also useful for object-oriented programming, with additional semantics applying for the case of polymorphic objects.

Implementing move semantics#

Sometimes it may be necessary to make use of move instead of copy semantics i.e., create a copy of an object and then getting rid of the original. The simplest way of doing this is to make use of allocatable (scalar or array) objects,

type(sorted_list), allocatable :: my_list, your_list

After your_list has been set up, the object's content can then be transferred to my_list by using the move_alloc intrinsic,

call move_alloc(your_list, my_list)

which will deallocate my_list if necessary, before doing the transfer. After the invocation, my_list will have the value formerly stored in your_list, and your_list will end up in the deallocated state. Note that the latter does not involve a regular object deallocation (effectively, a descriptor for the object is moved), so any existing finalizer will not be invoked.

The block construct#

The above rules on finalization imply that variables declared in the specification part of the main program are not finalizable, since they by default have the save attribute. One could argue this is not necessary since all assigned memory is reclaimed when program execution ends. However, excessive memory consumption or the use of other resources may cause issues for reliable program execution. To work around these, the block construct can be used:

program test_sorted_list
  use mod_sortable
  use mod_sorted_list
  implicit none
  work : block
    type(sortable) :: array(items)
    type(sorted_list) :: my_list, ...
    : ! initialize array

    my_list = sorted_list(array)
  end block work  ! finalizer is executed on my_list, ...
end program

The construct (as the only one in Fortran) permits declaration of non-saved variables in its specification part. Their lifetime ends when program execution reaches the end block statement, and they therefore are finalized at this point, if applicable. Named variables declared outside the construct are accessible inside it, unless a block-local declaration with the same name exists.


Note that the construct's execution flow can be modified by executing an exit statement in its body; this can, for example, be used for structured error handling and finally permits sending go to to retirement.

The associate construct#

With the introduction of deeply nested derived types, code that needs access to ultimate components can become quite hard to read. An associate block construct that enables the use of auto-typed aliases can be used. This is illustrated by a procedure that is used to implement the multiplication of two polynomials:

pure type(polynomial) function multiply_polynomial(p1, p2)
  type(polynomial), intent(in) :: p1, p2
  integer :: j, l, lmax

  lmax = ubound(p1%a,1) + ubound(p2%a,1)
  allocate( multiply_polynomial%a(0:lmax) )

  associate( a => p1%a, b => p2%a, c => multiply_polynomial%a, &
    jmax => ubound(p1%a,1), kmax => ubound(p2%a,1) )  ! association list
    do l = 0, lmax
      c(l) = 0
      do j = max(0, l-kmax), min(jmax, l)
        c(l) = c(l) + a(j) * b(l-j)
      end do
    end do
  end associate
end function

For the duration of execution of the construct, the associate names can be used to refer to their selectors (i.e., the right-hand sides in the association list). If the selectors are variables, so are the associate names (a, b, c in the above example), and can be assigned to. If the selectors are expressions, so are the associate names (jmax, kmax in the above example).

Associated entities that refer to variables inherit the dimension, codimension, target, asynchronous and volatile attributes from their selectors, but no others. An associate name can only refer to an optional dummy argument if the latter is present. Associate names can also appear in other block constructs (select type, change team), which will be discussed where appropriate.

Performing I/O with objects of container-like type#

For objects of container-like type, a data transfer statement

type(sorted_list) :: my_list
: ! set up my_list
write(*, *) my_list

would fail to compile, since the run-time library is incapable of dealing with the irregular structures that are hiding behind the innocuous variable. Language features for user-defined derived type I/O (UDDTIO) permit the programmer to control the data transfer in an appropriate manner. This is achieved by binding an I/O statement on a derived-type object to a user-defined procedure, for example through a suitably written named interface:

interface write(formatted)
  module procedure write_fmt_list
end interface

Note that this also applies to data types for which the above stand-alone statement is permitted, and then overloads the default I/O mechanism.

Once the binding is properly defined, the above I/O statement is accepted by the compiler, and its execution causes the user-defined procedure to be invoked. Therefore it is called the parent I/O statement. The actual data transfer statements that are issued inside the user-defined procedure are called child I/O statements.

The following interface variants are permitted, with the obvious interpretation:

  • write(formatted)

  • read(formatted)

  • write(unformatted)

  • read(unformatted)

The self-defined procedure is restricted with respect to its interfaces' characteristics, which are described in the following:

subroutine <formatted_io>   (dtv, unit, iotype, v_list, iostat, iomsg)
subroutine <unformatted_io> (dtv, unit,                 iostat, iomsg)

The placeholders <formatted_io> and <unformatted_io> must be replaced by a specific procedure name referenced in the generic interface.

The dummy arguments' declarations and meaning are:

  • dtv: Must be declared to be a nonpointer nonallocatable scalar of the type in question. If the type is extensible (to be explained later), the declaration must be polymorphic (i.e. using class), otherwise non-polymorphic (using type). Its intent must be in for write(...), and "out" or "inout" for read(...). It represents the object on which data transfer statements are to be executed.


    Note: For the examples in this chapter, we need to use class, but the behaviour is as if type were used, as long as the actual arguments are non-polymorphic and the procedure-based interface is used for the invocation.

  • unit: An integer scalar with intent(in). Its value is that of the unit used for data transfer statements. Use of other unit values is not permitted (except, perhaps, error_unit for debugging purposes).

  • iotype: A character(len=*) string with intent(in). This can only appear in procedures for formatted I/O. The following table describes how the incoming value relates to the parent I/O transfer statement:


Caused by parent I/O statement


write(unit, fmt=*) my_list


write(unit, nml=my_namelist) Note: Referring to the example, at least one sorted_list object must be a member of my_namelist.


write(unit, fmt='(DT"sorted_list_fmt"(10,2))') my_list Note: DT is the "derived type" edit descriptor that is needed in format-driven editing to trigger execution of the UDDTIO routine. The string following the DT edit descriptor can be freely chosen (even to be zero length); it is recommended that the UDDTIO procedure pay attention to any possible values supplied in the parent I/O statement if it supports DT editing.

  • v_list: A rank-1 assumed-shape integer array with intent(in) . This can only appear in procedures for formatted I/O. The incoming value is taken from the final part of the DT edit descriptor; in the example from the table above it would have the value [10,2]. Free use can be made of the value for the disposition (formatting, controlling) of I/O transfer statements inside the procedure. The array's size may be zero; specifically, it will be of size zero for the listdirected or namelist cases.

  • iostat: An integer scalar with intent(out). It must be given a value consistent with those produced by non-UDTTIO statements in case of an error. Successful execution of the I/O must result in a zero value. Unsuccessful execution must result in either a positive value, or one of the values iostat_end or iostat_eor from the iso_fortran_env intrinsic module.

  • iomsg: A character(len=*) string with intent(inout). It must be given a value if a non-zero iostat is returned.

Additional properties and restrictions for UDDTIO are:

  • All data transfers are executed in non-advancing mode. Any advance= specifier will be ignored;

  • asynchronous I/O is not supported;

  • Inside the user-defined routine, no file positioning statements are permitted.

The following demonstrates a partial implementation of formatted writing on sorted_list objects:

recursive subroutine write_fmt_list(dtv, unit, iotype, v_list, iostat, iomsg)
  class(sorted_list), intent(in) :: dtv
  integer, intent(in) :: unit, v_list(:)
  character(len=*), intent(in) :: iotype
  integer, intent(out) :: iostat
  character(len=*), intent(inout) :: iomsg
  character(len=2) :: next_component

  if ( associated(dtv%next) ) then
    write(next_component, fmt='("t,")')
    write(next_component, fmt='("f")')
  end if
  select case (iotype)
  case ('listdirected')
    write(unit, fmt=*, delim='quote', iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg) &
  case ('namelist')
    write(unit, fmt=*, iostat=iostat, iomsg=iomsg) '"', &
      dtv%data%string, '",', trim(next_component)
  case default
    iostat = 129
    iomsg = 'iotype ' // trim(iotype) // ' not implemented'
  end select
  if ( associated(dtv%next) ) then
    call write_fmt_list(dtv%next, unit, iotype, v_list, iostat, iomsg)
  end if
end subroutine


  • The namelist itself is inaccessible from the procedure; it is not needed since the procedure only needs to write the list values in a suitably formatted way. Termination of the list is indicated by a final logical value of F in the list entry of the namelist file; the termination information must be appropriately processed in the corresponding namelist case of the read procedure.

  • The example implementation does not support DT editing; invoking the parent I/O statement from the above table would therefore cause error termination unless an iostat= argument is added to it.