Performance and ease of use#

Functions with parameters#

A type definition for invocation of a general function#

In scientific applications, a commonly occurring requirement is the need to evaluate functions that depend on additional parameters, apart from their real-valued argument. For example, an application might need the value of spherical Bessel function \(x \mapsto j_l(q \, x)\) for independently specified integer values of \(l\) and real values of \(q\). More generally, one can consider a real-valued mapping

\(\Re \ni x \mapsto f_\lambda(x) \quad (\lambda \in \Omega)\),

where the parameter value \(\lambda\) can be from some arbitrary set. This section presents a way for handling this programmatically, using the object-oriented features of Fortran. We start with the outline for a type definition of sufficient generality:

type, public :: pfunc_type
  procedure(pfunc), pointer, nopass :: fp => null()
  : ! shown later
  class(*), allocatable :: param
  : ! shown later
end type pfunc_type

abstract interface
  pure real function pfunc(x, param)
    real, intent(in) :: x
    class(*), intent(in), optional :: param
  end function pfunc
end interface

It supplies

  • a procedure pointer component with an abstract interface that reflects the above mapping;

  • an unlimited polymorphic parameter component, to keep all things in one place.

Notionally, one could invoke a properly set up pfunc_type object through

type(pfunc_type) :: pfunc_obj
real :: x

pfunc_obj = pfunc_type(psin, 2)
! definitions of procedure and data object discussed further below
x = ...

write(*,*) 'function value is ', pfunc_obj%fp(x, pfunc_obj%param)

Use of a procedure pointer reflects the fact that each pfunc_type object will want to associate its individual target function; this is sometimes also referred to as an object-bound procedure. The nopass attribute in the type definition is needed because otherwise (analogous to what we saw for the earlier type-bound procedure examples), the object through which the invocation is done would be obliged to appear as a first argument in the abstract interface pfunc; this would constitute an additional imposition on the implementation of the supplied functions. On the other hand, the invocation needs to explicitly specify the param component, making it a bit unwieldy; the use of pfunc_type objects will be simplified as we go on.

Performance issues arising from object-oriented programming#

Let us look at a target function implementation, in form of a trivial example \(\sin(\lambda x)\):

pure real function psin(x, param)
  real, intent(in) :: x
  class(*), intent(in), optional :: param
  real :: factor
  factor = 1.
  if ( present(param) ) then
    select type ( param )
     type is (real)
      factor = param
     type is (integer)
      factor = real(param)
    end select
  end if
  psin = sin(factor*x)
end function psin

Given that an application is likely to request a large number of function values, the following effects would ensue once for each invocation:

  • function call overhead, and

  • overhead of run-time type resolution.

The resulting performance impact is typical for object-oriented designs that operate in multitudes on small objects. Making use of an array-based version of the function

pure function psin_array(x, param) result(r)
  real, intent(in) :: x(:)
  real :: r(size(x))
  class(*), intent(in), optional :: param
  real :: factor
  factor = 1.
  if ( present(param) ) then
    select type ( param )
     type is (real)
      factor = param
     type is (integer)
      factor = real(param)
    end select
  end if
  r = sin(factor*x)  ! kernel
end function psin_array

is desirable, since the overheads specified above only arise once, and the actual calculational code (marked "kernel" in the above box) is amenable to array-related compiler optimizations (the specifics of which depend on both hardware architecture and working set size).

Completing the function type definition#

The aim now is to proceed to a framework that permits to use both the scalar and the array versions in a uniform way, thereby making life for the clients that use the framework easy, while enabling performance where it is needed.

The full definition of pfunc_type, including its referenced abstract interfaces, reads

type, public :: pfunc_type
  procedure(pfunc), pointer, nopass :: fp => null()
  procedure(pfunc_array), pointer, nopass :: fp_array => null()
  class(*), allocatable :: param
  procedure, pass, private, non_overridable :: f_scalar, f_array
  generic :: f => f_scalar, f_array
end type pfunc_type

abstract interface
  pure real function pfunc(x, param)
    real, intent(in) :: x
    class(*), intent(in), optional :: param
  end function pfunc
  pure function pfunc_array(x, param) result(r)
    real, intent(in) :: x(:)
    real :: r(size(x))
    class(*), intent(in), optional :: param
  end function pfunc_array
end interface

Because we now have two procedure pointers in the type (only one of which is used in each given object), it is advantageous to provide a generic type-bound procedure f as a front end for ease of use. The specifics f_scalar and f_array for this read

real function f_scalar(this, x)
  class(pfunc_type), intent(in) :: this
  real, intent(in) :: x

  if ( associated(this%fp) ) then
    f_scalar = this%fp(x, this%param)
  else if ( associated(this%fp_array) ) then
    associate ( f_array => this%fp_array([x], this%param) )
      f_scalar = f_array(1)
    end associate
    error stop 'pfunc_type callback: uninitialized object'
  end if
end function f_scalar
function f_array(this, x) result(r)
  class(pfunc_type), intent(in) :: this
  real, intent(in) :: x(:)
  real :: r(size(x))

  ! note that support for the scalar version is omitted here, since
  ! the procedure call overhead, including type resolution, would
  ! significantly impact performance.
  if ( associated(this%fp_array) ) then
    r = this%fp_array(x, this%param)
    error stop 'pfunc_type callback: uninitialized object'
  end if
end function f_array

The only way to invoke one of these (in a use association context) is via the generic name, since the specific type-bound procedures have the private attribute; note that pfunc_type is not designed for being extended. Disambiguation is by rank of x.

The structure constructor for the type is overloaded

interface pfunc_type
  module procedure create_pfunc_type
  module procedure create_pfunc_type_array
end interface pfunc_type

with the following specific functions:

type(pfunc_type) function create_pfunc_type(fp, param)
  procedure(pfunc) :: fp
  class(*), intent(in), optional :: param
  create_pfunc_type%fp => fp
  if ( present(param) ) then
    allocate(create_pfunc_type%param, source=param)
  end if
end function create_pfunc_type
type(pfunc_type) function create_pfunc_type_array(fp_array, param)
  procedure(pfunc_array) :: fp_array
  class(*), intent(in), optional :: param
  create_pfunc_type_array%fp_array => fp_array
  if ( present(param) ) then
    allocate(create_pfunc_type_array%param, source=param)
  end if
end function create_pfunc_type_array

Disambiguation is possible due to the sufficiently different interfaces of the procedure arguments.[1]

Using the function type#

With the already-shown implementations for the target functions psin and psin_array, using this framework is illustrated by the following:

type(pfunc_type) :: pfunc_obj
real, parameter :: piby4 = atan(1.0), &
  piby4_arr(4) = [ piby4, 2.*piby4, 3.*piby4, 4.*piby4 ]

pfunc_obj = pfunc_type(psin, 2.)
write(*,*) pfunc_obj%f(piby4)

pfunc_obj = pfunc_type(psin)
write(*,*) pfunc_obj%f(piby4)

pfunc_obj = pfunc_type(psin_array, 2.)
write(*,*) pfunc_obj%f(piby4_arr)

Omitting a param in a constructor is fine, as long as the target functions cater for the dummy argument's non-presence.


The framework's implementation makes use of the fact that an unallocated actual argument associated with an optional dummy argument is considered not present. Once conditional expressions are implemented in compilers, the code will be appropriately reworked, since use of this feature is recommended against.

Arrays of structures versus structures of arrays#

Returning to our earlier example type body, the next idea would be to simulate the dynamics of a large ensemble of bodies. A procedure

subroutine propagate(bodies, delta_t, force_field)
  type(body), intent(inout) :: bodies(:)
  real, intent(in) :: delta_t
  type(field_type), intent(in) :: force_field
end subroutine

might be supplied that modifies the components of all ensemble members, for example as follows:

  • %pos \(\longrightarrow\) %pos + delta_t * %vel

  • %vel \(\longrightarrow\) %vel + delta_t * force / %mass

where force results from evaluating force_field at the position of the ensemble member.

Comments on further language features#

Variations on the passed object#

All examples for type-bound procedures given up to now have the property that the invoking object itself is passed as the first argument to the bound procedure. However, this default behaviour can be modified by the programmer

  • either declaring the binding with a pass attribute that references the specific (and of course appropriately declared) procedure argument the object of the bound type should be passed to,

  • or declaring the binding with a nopass attribute, in which case the object is not (implicitly) passed to the procedure at all in a TBP invocation.