Element-wise Operations on Arrays

There are three approaches to perform element-wise operations on arrays when using subroutines and functions:

  • elemental procedures

  • explicit-shape arrays

  • implementing the operation for vectors and write simple wrapper subroutines (that use reshape internally) for each array shape

In the first approach, one uses the elemental keyword to create a function like this:

real(dp) elemental function nroot(n, x) result(y)
  integer, intent(in) :: n
  real(dp), intent(in) :: x
  y = x**(1._dp / n)
end function

All arguments (in and out) must be scalars. You can then use this function with arrays of any (compatible) shape, for example:

print *, nroot(2, 9._dp)
print *, nroot(2, [1._dp, 4._dp, 9._dp, 10._dp])
print *, nroot(2, reshape([1._dp, 4._dp, 9._dp, 10._dp], [2, 2]))
print *, nroot([2, 3, 4, 5], [1._dp, 4._dp, 9._dp, 10._dp])
print *, nroot([2, 3, 4, 5], 4._dp)

The output will be:

1.0000000000000000        2.0000000000000000        3.0000000000000000        3.1622776601683795
1.0000000000000000        2.0000000000000000        3.0000000000000000        3.1622776601683795
1.0000000000000000        1.5874010519681994        1.7320508075688772        1.5848931924611136
2.0000000000000000        1.5874010519681994        1.4142135623730951        1.3195079107728942

In the above, typically n is a parameter and x is the array of an arbitrary shape, but as you can see, Fortran does not care as long as the final operation makes sense (if one argument is an array, then the other arguments must be either arrays of the same shape or scalars). If it does not, you will get a compiler error.

The elemental keyword implies the pure keyword, so the procedure must be pure. It results that elemental procedures can only use pure procedures and have no side effects.

If the elemental procedure algorithm can be made faster using array operations inside, or if for some reasons the arguments must be arrays of incompatible shapes, then one should use the other two approaches. One can make nroot operate on a vector and write a simple wrapper for other array shapes, e.g.:

function nroot(n, x) result(y)
  integer, intent(in) :: n
  real(dp), intent(in) :: x(:)
  real(dp) :: y(size(x))
  y = x**(1._dp / n)
end function

function nroot_0d(n, x) result(y)
  integer, intent(in) :: n
  real(dp), intent(in) :: x
  real(dp) :: y
  real(dp) :: tmp(1)
  tmp = nroot(n, [x])
  y = tmp(1)
end function

function nroot_2d(n, x) result(y)
  integer, intent(in) :: n
  real(dp), intent(in) :: x(:, :)
  real(dp) :: y(size(x, 1), size(x, 2))
  y = reshape(nroot(n, reshape(x, [size(x)])), [size(x, 1), size(x, 2)])
end function

And use as follows:

print *, nroot_0d(2, 9._dp)
print *, nroot(2, [1._dp, 4._dp, 9._dp, 10._dp])
print *, nroot_2d(2, reshape([1._dp, 4._dp, 9._dp, 10._dp], [2, 2]))

This will print:

1.0000000000000000        2.0000000000000000        3.0000000000000000        3.1622776601683795
1.0000000000000000        2.0000000000000000        3.0000000000000000        3.1622776601683795

Or one can use explicit-shape arrays as follows:

function nroot(n, k, x) result(y)
  integer, intent(in) :: n, k
  real(dp), intent(in) :: x(k)
  real(dp) :: y(k)
  y = x**(1._dp / n)
end function

Use as follows:

print *, nroot(2, 1, [9._dp])
print *, nroot(2, 4, [1._dp, 4._dp, 9._dp, 10._dp])
print *, nroot(2, 4, reshape([1._dp, 4._dp, 9._dp, 10._dp], [2, 2]))

The output is the same as before:

1.0000000000000000        2.0000000000000000        3.0000000000000000        3.1622776601683795
1.0000000000000000        2.0000000000000000        3.0000000000000000        3.1622776601683795